2018 SAO Annual Dues

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Date(s) - 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018
12:00 am - 11:30 pm

Categories No Categories

The Surety Association of Ohio is comprised of a community of professionals whose primary function is to educate both its members and the general public about surety and the protections afforded by it, monitor legislation that could potentially impact surety, as well as provide a forum for our members to learn about pertinent information that may effect the marketplace on a statewide basis. Please consider joining us in 2018 or renewing your membership!

Those joining for the first time should send a copy of the completed application form attached below in addition to their payment (online or via check) to Laura Hall. Her contact information is included on the form. If you are remitting payment via check to Laura, please include a completed invoice. The invoice was provided in her initial email to the members.

If you are simply renewing your company’s membership for 2018, you only have to remit payment below.

In either case, if you pay for your membership online, you will receive a receipt for your payment.

SAO Membership Application


Bookings are closed for this event.