SAO Fall Legal Seminar 2017
Date(s) - 11/16/2017
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Brennan, Manna & Diamond
This course has been submitted (but not yet approved) for 3.0 OH CE credit hours. Agents, Claims Attorneys, Underwriters, CPAs and all other SAO members are encouraged to attend this great educational event.
**Free parking is available on N. High St. behind the BMD building (look for the black fence). To enter the lot hit the buzzer and a receptionist will answer. Tell them you are there for the seminar and they will guide you to the conference room. If that lot is full, continue on N. High St. to the parking deck on the corner of N. High St. and E. Market St. Parking is available for $2 in that deck.**
Bookings are closed for this event.